
Arkham City Iceberg Lounge Challenge Map

A poster for the Iceberg Lounge in Arkham City.

The Iceberg Lounge was a trendy nightclub that was owned past Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, a.k.a. the Penguin.

When Penguin chose to change his focus from criminal to criminal broker, he established the Iceberg Lounge as his base of operations of operations. Ostensibly a posh nightclub, the Iceberg Lounge catered to Gotham City'south hip and wealthy social set.

Cobblepot served as host and booked numerous singers and musicians to perform likewise every bit employing beauties to run the club for him in his absence. Behind the scenes, though, Penguin still ran his criminal enterprises, laundered stolen greenbacks, and traded on information.

Incident Reports

Arkham Origins Incident

Penguin was planning the Iceberg Lounge at the time of Batman: Arkham Origins, equally revealed on the blueprints in his office on the Terminal Offer.

Between Arkham Origins and Arkham Asylum Incident

Penguin decided confronting building the Iceberg Lounge and decided to purchase an already completed building. When The Cyrus Pinkney Institute for Natural History went upward for auction, Cobblepot bought it. He refurbished it into the Iceberg Lounge. He added a pool for his pet shark, Tiny, a torture sleeping accommodation, a gladiator pit, a casino, an armory, and a war room. He also stumbled upon a underground basement that held Solomon Grundy.

During the Lounge'southward grand opening Penguin invited Joker and Harley Quinn. Afterward a cursory mishap with a spilled drinkable from a waitress, Joker proceeded to spray her with acid, grievously wounding her. Outraged at existence humiliated, Penguin sent his men afterwards the duo, causing a fight between them and Joker's henchmen who threw pies at Penguin'due south guards. The incident caused months of bad publicity and vacancy, although eventually, the crowd began to return to the Lounge.

Assault on Arkham Incident

Penguin was approached past Amanda Waller to allow a group of covert operatives stay at his institution and to provide them with the weapons and means to break into Arkham Aviary. Cobblepot agreed to these terms in exchange for a massive pay 24-hour interval in accelerate. The Suicide Squad arrived at the Lounge and Penguin greeted them all, especially Deadshot, calling him the best assassinator he has always seen. When he saw Harley Quinn, he pulled out his umbrella ready to kill her for stealing a truck of cigarettes with The Joker and driving it into the river. Deadshot defused the situation, saying that killing her would be bad business. Cobblepot realized the assassinator was right and let her live, on the status that Waller never call him once again.

Arkham Asylum Incident

In William Northward'southward Office within the Intensive Treatment Center at Arkham Asylum, in that location was a poster that advertised the Iceberg Lounge.

Before Arkham City Incident

When Old Gotham was fix for foreclosure for Arkham City, Penguin refused to vacate the bounds. As structure on the massive wall enclosing the district continued, Penguin was asked several times past City Hall to leave. As the wall was nearly finished, Mayor Sharp decided to requite Penguin one terminal take chances. Sharp gave the police the go ahead to forcefully remove the midget gangster and his cronies. Cobblepot responded with massive gunfire, killing three veteran officers. Abrupt decided to end the wall and exit the midget to his own devices.

Arkham Urban center Incident

Penguin used the Iceberg Lounge every bit his base of operations for the Arkham Gang War. He plotted on taking out Joker and Two-Face and ruling Arkham City with an iron fist. To hurt Joker, Penguin had Mr. Freeze, who was working as Joker's doctor, kidnapped and taken to the Lounge. Commissioner Gordon sent in ten undercover GCPD officers to investigate Penguin's activities. Professor Hugo Strange informed Penguin virtually the officers and this led to Cobblepot to determine to torture and kill these cops.

When Batman infiltrated Arkham City in order to investigate Strange's activities, he came across Penguin'due south Henchmen. Batman decided to go to the Lounge, save the constabulary, Freeze, and finish Cobblepot. He succeeded saving them one by one. As Batman went deeper into the Lounge, the Penguin revealed a trump menu, Freeze's Freeze Gun. Penguin froze the officers and hid them around the museum. He then sealed himself in the VIP area of the Lounge. After saving everyone, Freeze told Batman how to temporarily disarm his Freeze Gun. Batman took the Disruptor and headed toward the VIP surface area. He found Penguin standing on top of a table with the gun and two hostages. After fighting his way to Penguin, Batman activated the Disruptor. He then punched Cobblepot and threw him into a tabular array. While Penguin plead for his life, he pulled out a detonator. This destroyed the floor Batman was continuing on and dropped him into Grundy'south lair. Batman fought Grundy and somewhen defeated him. This battle allowed Penguin to get his grenade launcher and fire at Batman. Batman went up to Penguin, beat him up, and Freeze placed him in a exhibit in the Trophy Room.

Afterwards that dark, Two-Face infiltrated the museum section of the Lounge and claimed information technology as his territory. Catwoman, whom he recently tried to accept killed, broke into the museum, attacked Two-Face's Gang, and took out Ii-Face herself.

The surreptitious GCPD officers sealed the doors and sought refuge in the VIP area after the defeat of Penguin. Batman returned to them to take a device from Officer Elvis Jones, which helped him detonate mines.

After Arkham City Incident

The Iceberg Lounge was presumably shut down after the Arkham City was shut downwards.

Arkham Knight Incident

City Hall decided to reintegrate Arkham Metropolis back into Gotham's limits, including the Iceberg Lounge. It was possibly put up for auction once again.



  • If you scan Grundy with detective mode during the fight with him, he has an unusually low heart charge per unit at xx BPM and an 'unknown' condition.
  • The unwritten Number 1 rule of the Iceberg Lounge is "No one wins except the owner."
  • One of the most enforced rules of the Lounge is "No clowns allowed."


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